I'm still sitting with the thought that the Disciples were called to follow Jesus and they simply obeyed. No debating whether it was a good time to make a career move. No weighing the options of life on the road versus a guaranteed bed at home. No negotiations over salary or stock options. No holding out for the primo corner office. No requesting keys to the executive wash room or a company car.
Nope. They simply dropped everything and followed Him. Just like that! This truth has held me in its grip for two weeks now. It's tilting my world on its axis. They simply dropped everything and followed. Everything.
Sometimes I think I could do that. I love to travel. I love leaving the boredom and burden of daily living. I love the freedom of the open road, of meeting new people and seeing new things. I love the idea of no boundaries, no time line, no deadline. Sign me up!
The catch is that following Jesus is not meant to be on my terms. No, following Jesus means letting go of everything including my agenda, my dreams, my will and my control. It means letting Him be the Lord and Master of me.
While that sounds like hell to the uninitiated, it's pure joy to those who know the very nature of the Jesus they are following. I really do DO better when I let Him in. Why then do I have to constantly unlock the gate? You would think I would at least give Him a key to the door of my life!
On second thought, maybe I have.
1 comment:
In the Streams in the Desert devotional it says, "Better the storm with Him than the calm without!"
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