Monday, October 26, 2009

I Pray That She Knew Him

My neighbor died last night.

She had a severe heart attack about two weeks ago and after spending a week in the hospital, came home still not feeling well. She lived alone. She died alone.

If it weren't for the help of the wonderful neighbors on our street, she would have had no help or support after her return from the hospital. If it weren't for the neighbors who faithfully went over every day and checked on her, who knows how long she would have been dead before someone found her. The one thing none of us did check on was her spiritual condition.

Who knows where she will spend eternity?

My neighbor died last night. I am thankful that I stepped up to help her. I am grieved that I served her not knowing if I missed the most important help I could have offered her ~ the saving grace of Jesus Christ. I pray that she knew Him.

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