Monday, October 12, 2009

Poor Poor Pityful Me

Can we talk? Actually, can I complain about something? Buying shoes! When did buying shoes become so difficult? Not that I ever was a big collector of shoes, but really, it has become quite a hassle to find a pair that fit.

I must admit that my requirements are quite stringent = combination last with double/triple/quad A narrow size 9 that accommodates my arches and compromised left foot. What does all that mean? It means I have a ridiculously narrow foot that no one seems to make shoes for anymore. Add to that mix the recent need to wear custom orthotics for high arches. And compound that with a previously broken foot that doesn't like a heel higher than an inch.

Now take a look at all the killer ~ and I mean killer ~ shoes that are out. They are killer cute to look at and killer painful for me to wear ~ that is if I could even find a pair that fit.

My mother, on the other hand, loves to shoe shop. She has a very normal foot and can buy the best shoes on sale. She always wants to cruise the shoe department. It's not a match made in heaven for me. In fact, it's pure hell.

Guess what we did yesterday. Thanks for listening.

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