Saturday, November 14, 2009

Uncomfortable Self-Truth

I took the Jung Typology Test for fun. I was less than joyful when I read the results. I was tracking with the distinctively expressed extravert. I was cool with very expressed intuitive personality. But I was less than happy, in fact downright bummed, with expressed judging personality. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. That one was like walking on hot coals barefoot without the benefit of a Tony Robbins seminar.

Judging personality! I've been working sooooooooo hard on that one. I know I don't have it totally under control but it has been the desire of my heart to love on others and not judge their actions. It stems from the days when my intellect was my god (sounds hysterically funny and pathetic just writing those words). As I have matured in my Christian walk I have been trying to leave the judging up to the only one who has judging rights ~ God. And now I'm downhearted to think that I'm still tracking in the self-righteous lane.

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. I know that I am not capable of making a true change without His help. Either that or the test was wrong. Indeed, it was probably truer than I had hoped. I am humbled and embarrassed to write this post.

Lord God, You know my ways. Give me a heart like Yours. Amen.

1 comment:

Lorri said...

If the test was right, I highly doubt you would have had the humility to make this post. The Spirit reigns in you and it's obvious. Those that have known you over the years know the truth...and you look more and more like Jesus everyday! :)