A new year, a fresh start. Before we can get it, however, the news media tries to neatly tie up the previous year, or as was the case this time, tie up an entire decade. They decide the defining moments that we should all remember. They decide who our heroes were. They even decide what simple phrase or key word will wrap up the past 365 days and even past ten years.
They are having a hard time with the first decade of this 21st century. They can't seem to define it other than glad that it, and particularly 2009, are over.
I think they are off the mark. How we mark the quality of our days is not in what we do but in who we are. I am not a numerical summary. I am not the sum of my jobs, vacations, objects owned, state of my wrinkles, worldly achievements or who I know. I don't need any kind of summary to give value and purpose to my life.
I am a messy person in messy relationships living a messy life. And I know who I am. More precisely, I know whose I am. I belong to God. I measure the value of my days in how I engage in my relationship with Him ~ in how I love, in how I live in His will, in how my life honors Him.
It is my New Year's wish for you that you know who ~ and whose ~ you are. That you know the beauty of selfless giving and the joy of openly receiving ~ love. That if you must define your year when it's over, that it's about relationship.
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