Friday, February 26, 2010

Don't Need No Stinkin' Depression

If human beings were not capable of depression, we would have no capacity for happiness and exaltation. - Oswald Chambers

You know, I don't usually find myself doubting or arguing against this dead guy, but I just have to take exception to this quote. I do not need a bout of depression to make me feel thrilled with someone or something. I can go very nicely, thank you, from content, bored or even mildly happy to wildly happy without taking a dip in the dark side ~ especially if I base my life on joy despite circumstances.

Now if what he's really trying to say is that we all suffer from a human inability to fill that deep longing inside of us, then I'll give him credit. That desperate longing is a perfect contrast to exaltation we feel when it's filled with the perfect love of God.

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