An article in today's newspaper inadvertently brought up a topic near and dear to many a woman's heart. The focus was whether a retailer has the right to fire an employee who wears a hijab, or head scarf, to work. But embedded in the text was a quote from the young woman that spoke to women everywhere.
While wearing her scarf for religious reasons she also says, "People don't focus on my beauty so much as they focus on my intelligence, on what I have to say."
Judging a woman's beauty is a timeless pursuit. Indeed, beauty of all kinds attracts us and lifts our spirits. But to value a woman's worth strictly for her physical appearance is just plain wrong.
But even worse, is when a woman adds fuel to the fire by buying into social pressure that causes her to doubt her own self-worth. That makes her a partner in the very crime being committed against her. Yucky stuff.
I'm the first to admit that I like to look my best, take care of my health and body, color my graying roots and keep the wrinkles under control. But I don't place a value on my worth based on my looks. It's frankly too much work and once you get the "look" a new standard or bevy of "hot young things" come along that ramp up the beauty insanity treadmill. Instead ~
My value comes from my position in Christ. To Him, I am and always will be beautiful. My value comes from the love of my husband, family and friends. To them, my beauty is relational not physical. My value comes from my character. To others, it speaks to the sum total of who I am.
So back to the head scarf-wearing young woman. I am sad for her that she feels she must shun her physical attributes, or lack thereof, to be heard by the world. I am sad for all the women who can relate to what she is saying. I am sad for a society that is so shallow.
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