Saturday, February 12, 2011

Expect the Unexpected

Road Trip ~ Utah or Bust and Back

One of the rules of road trips is to expect the unexpected.  No matter how well I plan, there are always moments and events that come along for the ride.  From Mom's unfortunate trip to the hospital to skiing new mountains to making new friends to discovering that the Basques originally settled the town of Winnemucca (which was named after an Indian chief).   It's all a jumble of expected and unexpected, and that's what makes road trips such a great adventure ~ being open to the possibilities before me.

It's much easier when I am out of my daily routine and allow for time to just be in the present.  It's a lesson I take back from every adventure but don't often remember after the glow of my road trip has faded.  The stuff of life is often just stuff and not really important in the overall scheme of things.  It's when I let the stuff take over that I forget what a truly great adventure life really is.

I have so many photos and thoughts to share about our Utah trip but right now we are back in California celebrating a Valentine's weekend with the Groovies and Grasshoppers.  It's the men's year to plan the festivities and I am so looking forward to just being in the moment and basking in the warmth of my husband's love.

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