Friday, October 16, 2009


I spent the day going through papers, sorting through piles, discarding this and cataloging that. I didn't want to do it and unfortunately I'm only half done, but it sure felt good to finally tackle what I had been dreading. Does anyone else develop paper piles? I swear I start out with the day's mail and it morphs into a foot high stack. Organizers will tell you that you should touch a piece of paper once ~ deal with it, file it or throw it away. They failed to mention that you have to be in the mood to deal firmly and decisively with that piece of paper.

And even worse, once I do deal with it, I've thrown away things I meant to keep or can't find the things I so nicely put away. Maybe I should just dump it every bit of it. After all, if it can sit in a foot high pile for a month without me looking for it, then maybe I really don't need any of that paper after all.

Is there such a thing as Paper Piles Anonymous or Recovering Paper Non-Organizers?

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