Saturday, October 17, 2009

Prepare Your Heart, We're Going for a Drive

road trip

I realized something about myself but first I must tell you that I am a terrific driver. Oh yes. I used to race sports cars so I know a thing or two about driving. In addition, I'm a wife. Those of you who are married are well aware of the tug of war that goes on when a husband is driving and his wife has chosen to co-pilot.

Back to my tale. Rich and I decided to take a one-day getaway to the mountains ~ to be more specific to the delightful town of Murphys. Just us. No obligations. No plans other than reaching that little spot on the map. The day is pristine. The anticipation is high. The cameras are ready to capture the day.

It was fun driving out as we hadn't been to Murphys in at least two years and we looked forward to seeing familiar sights along the way. The destination was everything we hoped it would be. But oh my, on the trip back I found myself getting annoyed at my husband for his driving ~ because, after all, I am such a terrific driver.

Yep, the day was spent and now we needed to get home for an event happening later that evening. So, of course, I focused on how fast and how well Rich was getting us there. And I was getting annoyed. Move over into that lane. Speed up. Turn here. The usual stuff except this time I miraculously kept my mouth shut! But the miracle went even further.

I heard a still, soft voice in my heart admonish me for my lack of faith in my husband's ability to drive. I found myself letting go of my urge to give directions and just let him drive. I told myself that, indeed, I did believe that he would get us safely where we want to go in a timely fashion. After all, his past driving record proved that he is trustworthy and reliable behind the wheel. I let out a big sigh, knocked back the seat and fell sound asleep!

But before drifting off a light bulb went off inside me ~ I call it my God bulb. God is asking the same faith of me. He is asking me to let Him be in the driver's seat. He has proven trustworthy in the past in regard to my life even when I didn't know it. Why do I keep insisting on giving Him directions? That was the question that kept rolling over in my mind as I drifted off to sleep.

From the editor: I'll tell you all about our Murphy's trip on Monday's blog. I'm taking Sunday off.

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