Monday, November 2, 2009

Dirty Laundry

I have a confession to make. I'm not always very good at this honor your parents thing. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom but I struggle with her self-focused view of life. Of course, you know without me even saying it, that it's really my selfishness that gets in the way.

She called me yesterday in a panic because she has a dentist appointment today at 10:30 and doesn't want to wait an hour and a half for the seniors' bus to pick her up, would I take her?. I told her I had my Bible study gals coming over at 9:30 but I begrudgingly said, "yes." She didn't bat an eye or at least say, "Gosh, honey, thanks, I'm sorry to interrupt your plans." Nope, she just said great and hung up.

So I had to process this. I had choices to make. I could have said no and let her wait for the bus knowing full well that she doesn't like to be inconvenienced. I could have called a taxi knowing how uncomfortable she would be in a stranger's car.
I could have called my friends and said come half an hour later. I could have asked my husband to drive her but he has a business meeting this morning. Or I could serve her graciously knowing that she is who she is ~ whatever her quirks, she's my mother.

Now all you "boundaries" people out there, it's not like she was asking me to do something I couldn't do with grace. After all, she's 93 years old and I know I wouldn't want to wait an hour and a half for a bus either. So I'm leaving my door unlocked for my friends, they can start the study without me. They'll understand. It is a Bible study, after all, and why study the Bible if I'm not trying to live my faith?

(Editor's note about an hour later ~ I love the way God lets me practice humility and then fills in the details. Two of the gals called and said they would be late to Bible study which meant I could rush out and ferry Mom. But even better, my son got back from Tahoe in time and he is driving his grandma to her appointment. But best yet, she doesn't know he's in town and she's gonna flip for joy when she sees him. God is good!)

1 comment:

Lorri said...

love the WHOLE story! Gracious God!