Monday, November 16, 2009

Notes from the Weekend

Item ~ I read in Sunday's paper about Debbie Magnusen in Southern California who saves unwanted babies. She had read an article about someone finding a baby dead in a file cabinet ~ and unlike me who is sad or mad but does nothing ~ she did something. She went on TV and invited pregnant women who did not want their babies to drop them off at her doorstep, no questions asked. And over the past 13 years, thanks to her "Baby Cuddle" hotline, 661 precious young lives have been saved so far. Most have been adopted into the loving arms of couples who do want them. Sure is more humane than abortion or the filing cabinet.

Item ~ About 1200 believers raised their voices in worship to almighty God Sunday night. We didn't need to raise the roof for Him to hear because He sat right down and joined us. We blew the roof off anyway.

Item ~ Attended a bead show, not just any bead show, a special bead show. Artists from all over the country gather to sell their handmade glass or metal beads. A single bead can go for as much as $100 and worth every penny. I am humbled by their artistry.

Item ~ I took BART to the bead show and met a delightful man who raises guide dogs. We struck up a conversation because he had an 8 month old yellow lab with him in a guide dog harness. They were on their way to a CAL football game - her first. The pup was huggable and adorable but I knew that I had to be respectful of her boundaries and not get all "puppy" with her. The man had raised 21 of these dogs over the years. It started with his daughter's 4-H project. Sometimes homework is a blessing.

Item ~ Frost on the rooftops at night gave way to glorious sunny skies and warm sun shining through the reds and golds of autumn. A gift I never take for granted. Makes for great photo ops, too!

Item ~ My neighbor down the street has her Christmas lights up and lit. She's killing me. It's bad enough the stores launch Christmas before Halloween but my neighbor! Bah humbug on Christmas lights before Thanksgiving. I'm gonna savor the culinary delights of Thanksgiving with family and friends. I'm gonna give thanks. And then, the day after, I'm gonna hang my lights before the mad rush of December begins. Maybe my neighbor has it figured out better than I do.

Item ~ Winter quilts replaced summer quilts on the beds. Throw rugs now grace our tile floors. We'd stack firewood but took out our fireplace three years ago. I sure miss it. Funny how time fades memories of annoying smoke and ashes.

1 comment:

Lorri said...

hey, now we both have stylin' blog for cool people!