Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Birthday to Us

There is more to this Christmas story ~

Today is my birthday. I used to hate having it so close to Christmas. After all, Christ's birth got all the attention and my birthday was an after thought. When I was a kid my mom even moved my birthday celebration to March so I wouldn't get slighted.

As I got older, I began to enjoy one of the perks of a holiday birthday ~ no school day, and eventually no work day, thanks to Christmas vacation! When I turned 25 I even decided that it was okay to drop the March gig and celebrate my birthday on the anniversary of my real birth day.

And then I came to know Jesus and He was no longer a competitor for birthday attention. The importance of His birthday far outweighed the celebration of mine and I was okay for it to be so. Oh sure, the world decorates for Him, not me. It breaks out in song for Him, not me. It has all the festive activities for Him, not me. But He comes to me every birthday and whispers in my ear, "I love you, sweet child and rejoice that you are Mine." It doesn't get better than that.

1 comment:

Nicku B said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthdayyyyy dear KP! Happy birthday to you!!!!! See, I sang for you ;) Hope you're having a blessed and beautiful day, you deserve it!