Friday, January 28, 2011

Compass Words

This week the Groovies shared compass words ~ words that will be our focal point for the year.  As Christ followers, it's no surprise that our words were given to us through prayerful reflection with God and are grounded in Scriptural Truth.


Muffy and I both received this word but for different reasons with different underlying Scripture.  Read yesterday's post for the definition of the word and for why joy is my compass this year. My verse ~ Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything. (James 1:2-4)

As for Muffy, her joy is found in the strength of the Lord. ~ The LORD is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trust in him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. (Psalm 28:7 NLT)  "My word is not simplistic even though I thought it would is not a feeling, it is a choice.  Consider it....all joy....that is 'counting it' something I make a decision to journey into in attitude and by faith."

trust - 
1) firm reliance on the integrity, ability or character of a person or thing; confident belief; faith  2) custody, care  3) reliance on something in the future; hope
Peppermint is still resting in a word God gave her last year.  In her own words ... "It's definitely tough having the rough edges rubbed off through adversities of any kind. It seems if it's not a health issue it's a financial one or problems with our "kids" or grandkids or sometimes several of these at once.  I think that's why I was given the word "Trust" last year. I found that if I continually trusted in God, He was always Faithful in answering my pleas... however not always how I expected. It turned out that His plans and timing were much more creative and a definite improvement over my solutions.
rest + quiet = wait -
to wait is 1) to remain inactive until something anticipated occurs 2) to remain or be in readiness or expectation

repentance + transformed = gratitude -
to have gratitude is 1) have an appreciative awareness and thankfulness

Kelley was given not a word but a series of interconnected words. "So in my REST and QUIET, I am to WAIT: God's timing is different than ours--He operates on a completely different scale than we do. It can thus sometimes seem like He is slow to act or to intervene where He's needed. But we are encouraged here to be patient, confident that the Lord will act in His good timing. Psalm 27:14.  And in my REPENTANCE, I am to be TRANSFORMED from having a critical spirit to having GRATITUDE: When we take our eyes off all we are not seeing God do, and begin thanking Him and proclaiming His goodness for all we have seen Him do–our perspective transforms from worry . . . to praise and gratitude!"

speak less, listen more -
to listen is 1) to apply oneself to hearing something  2) to pay attention; to give heed

We all broke out in laughter when Betty Boop shared her words.  It was a laughter of understanding because many of the Groovies sitting around the table have no problem with sharing our words, lots of words.  I can't remember the Scripture she based it on  but I do know there are several times in the Bible where we are reminded of the power of words, for both speaking/giving and listening/receiving.  I think I will stick her compass words in my back pocket for ballast.

choice -
1) the act of choosing; selection  2) the power, right or liberty of choosing; option

Ted's word is choice.  "I can choose how I will allow my circumstances to shape my character.  I have a choice to make every day.  My verse is so simple but so hard at the same time.  It is from Joshua 24:15 ~  choose for yourself this day whom you will serve. Every day I have a choice to make. I can choose to serve God or I can let my circumstance, myself rule my life. Old message but a new revelation for me this year.

help others -
to help is 1) to give assistance; to aid  2) to contribute to in some way; to further; promote  3) to give relief to those in difficulty or distress  4) to alleviate or cure  5) to improve; benefit  6) to be able to prevent, change or rectify

Cinderella's word(s) carry a responsibility to and for others.  It is born from a year of receiving her own help and wanting to give back.

intention -
1) a plan of action; a design  2) an aim that guides action  

Our newest Groovy doesn't have a nickname yet so I will just call her Light Tower for now. (she'll get the reference).  Her word reflects a determination to live with focus, purpose and a determination to complete what she has begun.  It's about making proactive choices after living too long being blown by circumstances.  Her verse ~ "Walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:10

Inspired.  Challenged.  Grateful.  Supportive.  These words come to mind when I read the compass words of my Groovy sisters.  They inspire me and challenge me.  I am grateful for our mutual support.

But even more so, these words come in mind ~ up, love, and faith.  These women look up to God for answers and guidance, are engaged in a loving relationship with Him, and have faith in His good will.  Groovy indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these in a list we can copy and refer to from time to time.
I love my Groovy Sisters!