Monday, March 14, 2011

Reminded and Grateful

We spent a lazy Sunday afternoon enjoying an in-car picnic with a foggy view of San Francisco as a backdrop.   It rained on and off during our stay and while the mist obscured this famous scene, we knew what treasures lay beyond the hazy shroud.  Unfortunately, we don't often take the time to just sit with it.  So today, it was a special treat to be captured by the rain and enjoy the luxury of simply contemplating the beauty and inspiration of the view.  

As I sat there with my husband listening to rain on the car roof, watching birds soar through the gray mist and sailboats sail valiantly by, I gave thanks for simple pleasures.  And as I compare my peaceful day to someone in Japan who is currently digging out from the loss and devastation of recent, horrific natural disasters, I am reminded that life is sweet, time is precious and the future is unknown.  I am reminded that today is a gift, as is each day.  I am filled with gratitude. 

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