Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Supersize My Order Please

I was talking with two women friends from Brazil and somehow the topic got around to plastic surgery.  For the uninitiated, Brazil is the plastic surgery capital of the world.  It's just something they do, at least in the southern end of the country.  It came as a surprise to this media-indoctrinated American that Brazilians find large breasts distasteful, unnecessary and a burden.  That's because they like their bikinis small.  The beginning of the alphabet is just more tasteful and manageable in those tiny tops.  So breast reduction surgery is quite common.

However, what they do love big is the derriere.  Oh yes.  Men on the beaches of Brazil are checking out the package from behind and giving thumbs up to ample bottoms.  And so, plastic surgery to enlarge derrieres is also common.

Different hemispheres, different ideas of beauty.  Bottom line (no pun intended) ~ no matter the latitude or longitude, women are still held to ridiculous standards of beauty, and worse yet, we buy into the hype.  At least, now, however, I know where to move to if I need some added worldly self-esteem.

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