Monday, April 25, 2011

Oasis Before Death?

Road Trip ~ eastern Sierras ~ Death Valley

death (n) ~ termination of life

We have arrived at our destination.  Death Valley.  Despite the name (and the dictionary definition), it is deceptively full of life, especially in Spring after the winter rains.  And that is why we have come, to see earth awaken from its slumber and offer up the hopeful blooms of new and renewed life.

Make no mistake about it, Death Valley can be one of the most inhospitable places on earth with air temperatures capable of reaching 134 degrees (just 2 degrees cooler than the mighty Sahara Desert) and surface temps of 201 degrees.  Cumulative annual rainfall can be as little as an inch and a half.  And there is little to no shade for respite from the unrelenting sun.  But as treacherous as Death Valley can be, if tread upon with respect, it can reveal wondrous sights, breathtaking vistas, fragile beauty, and even a sense of peace.

But first things first.  Every self-respecting desert has an oasis or two and Death Valley is no exception.  We entered the north western edge of the park around dinner time and took an oasis break at Stovepipe Wells for cold beer and tasty burgers before venturing further.  An oasis can be deceptive.  Gasoline for the car.  Nourishment for our bodies.  Campground for the weary.  But miles and miles ahead lay nothing but a two-lane road until the next oasis was to be found.

And so I leave you with a few photos of our first encounter with Death Valley.  An oasis for us.  Green plants sprouting around us.   How could this possibly be an encounter with "death?"


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