Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thankful for My Friend

I have never really thought of God as my friend.  Lord. You bet.  Creator.  Check.  Father.  Yes.   He's my designer and creator, and I am privileged to be called His daughter, but friend?  For someone to be a friend means I have to know him or her.  And the more I know this person favorably, the more I choose to be in relationship.

In this Thanksgiving season, I am grateful for my friendship with God.  I am thankful that in His Son, I have not only salvation but an approachable role model on how to live a fulfilling and loving life.  Christ chooses to walk in relationship with me, as I Him.  Our friendship is sweet and while I sometimes balk, I am thankful for His loving willingness and ability to hold me accountable for the actions I say I want to live by daily.  Thank You, sweet Friend.

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