Saturday, December 3, 2011


I have a confession to make.  I'm a fairly healthy eater, eschewing a lot of junk and prepackaged foods, but at Christmas, I am hopelessly attracted to all the sugary goodies that load the grocery shelves this time of year.  The cookies, candy and other confections are all so enticing.  Fortunately, I am also attracted to the smorgasbord of good foods.  To me, eating freshly baked squash is just as enticing as a peppermint chocolate cookie, even more so because my tummy is really happier without the sugar.  Well, okay, my tummy may be happier, but my brain is saying "goodie, goodie, goodie, a cookie!"  So I'll be dieting along with the rest of you come January, but in the meantime, let the sugar plum fairies arise!

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