Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marriage Lessons on the Way to the Cross #3

Peter. Peter.  Peter.  He denies Jesus not once but 3 times, even after being forewarned that he would engage in such an unthinkable act against Jesus.  When Peter realized what he had done, he wept bitterly ~ and as the Bible teaches us, goes on to do great things for Jesus in building His church.  How did that happen?

Christ called Peter out ~ "Jesus' eyes met his." ~ and Peter recognized his sin, repented and changed his behavior.  Peter could have stomped his feet, gotten highly defensive and declared he needed to protect himself from physical, emotional or any other kind of harm.  He could have declared that he was perfectly within his rights to do so.  But he didn't.  He acknowledged his actions and their detrimental effect on his relationship with Jesus, and then did something about it ~ apologized and changed his behavior

Christ loved Peter back.  He could have turned His back on Peter or make Peter suffer for his actions.  Instead, Christ saw Peter's repentive heart, accepted his apology and changed behavior, forgave Peter and their relationship moved onto a higher level built on a stronger foundation.

Both moved forward despite an agregious act on Peter's part that could have shattered their relationship.  In marriage, how often do we act like Peter over the smaller things let alone the bigger things that have the ability to destroy initimacy and love with our spouse?  And how often do we act like Jesus to hold accountable, forgive and love our spouse?

(Luke 22:54-71)

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