If one believes the news media, the entire world is under some kind of human or natural siege, what with massive earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear power plant melt downs, civil unrest, deposed dictators, no fly air zones and all the rest. Today's paper zeroed in on human trafficking in the U.S. with 200,000 American-born kids forced into prostitution.
When I get sucked into all this sordid, sad, evil, horrific and/or devastating news, my joy despite circumstances blanket doesn't feel big enough to cover me. I have to return to scripture and be reminded that God deplores human misery inflicted by others for selfish or evil gain. And He does not send nature to war against man.
It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice. learn to do right!... Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. (Prov 18:5, Isaiah 1:17)
So what is my joy-despite-the-world-circumstances of the day? I know that God is in control and I know His plan is bigger than we can comprehend. I know that He is a tender, loving God who mourns over our afflictions but is also a righteous God who will bring judgment on the oppressors. I know that He gave us talents, skills and resources to help those in need. This is my joy in the face of despair.
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