Monday, March 21, 2011

From Cradle to Grave

We have two grown children, 10 years apart in age, who are going through very similar life transitions.  Both are in the process of making decisions that in some cases will impact their next 10 years, and in others, will impact the rest of their lives.  It's interesting to play a dual role in their decision making.  On one hand, we are asked to be a sounding board and perhaps share some wisdom; on the other, they prefer that we just stand by and observe.

I wonder how many times our parents wanted to protect us from bad decisions but knew we had to experience life on our terms.  I guess that's one of the best things a parent can do for an adult child, particularly since we neither want to nor can parent them from cradle to grave.  The only one who can cover them from start to finish is their heavenly Father, and they don't always turn to Him for guidance either.  And so the cycle of life continues, ever new and ever the same.

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