Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sweet Sounds of Joy

Remember that I am your Song, I want you to share My joy, living in conscious awareness of My Presence.  Rejoice as we journey together toward heaven; join Me in singing My Song.  (from Jesus Calling, Sarah Young.)

The birds are singing outside my window.  It has been raining, pouring, for days yet whenever there is a lull in the storm, the birdies come out from their shelter and burst into song.  I can't help but smile when I hear their sweet sounds of joy.  They remind me of the silver lining in every cloud, of the tangible joy in even the small things.  They remind me of the presence of my God and His active participation in melody of my life.

Surely You have granted (me) eternal blessings and made (me) glad with the joy of Your presence.  (Psalm 21:6)

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