Yesterday was Father's Day. I suppose it would have been appropriate to post my thoughts 24 hours ago but I was too busy celebrating with husband and family to think about what we were celebrating.
Father's Day. A Hallmark card holiday. An artificial marker on the calendar to honor half of a team that should be honored daily ~
"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.- Exodus 20:12
The deal is that the words father and mother are often loaded with personal emotions and history that obscure their core value and our ability to honor them. I was fortunate to have a father whom I elevated to hero status. He was a man of great character and integrity. He was a plain man of simple words; who you saw was who you got. Certainly, he had his flaws but I knew exactly where I stood with him at all times; I knew he was my protector and teacher; I knew I could count on him to hold me accountable for my actions (even when I didn't want to be) and to make me laugh. He held all his kids to a high standard but never failed to let us know we were deeply loved by him. I miss him. I miss him. I miss him. I miss him. And so for the past four years I have honored his presence in my heart and celebrated his presence with the angels.
There is another father whose presence fills my heart. He is my Heavenly Father. As much as I know how my earthly father loved me, raised me and protected me, God surpasses all understanding of a father's love, direction and protection. He loves me infinitely beyond my earthly father's capacity to love me; His wisdom is all-knowing and infallible, and His power is overarching and unstoppable ~ yet He knows my heart, my thoughts, my dreams.
So I was fortunate this Father's Day to celebrate not one but two personal fathers and to you both I say, "Thank you. I love you."
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