Saturday, June 18, 2011

House Repairs = Joy Practice

Sometimes joy comes from unexpected and unwanted places.  Yesterday, my joy (and gratitude) was fueled by my good fortune of living in a safe, beautiful, uplifting community.  Today my joy really puts despite circumstances to the test.

A couple of weeks ago I posted that a rather windy and strong winter-style rainstorm resulted in a leak in our roof right over our bed.  I was grateful for the timing of that the newly revealed leak because we now have several months to get our roof repaired or replaced before next winter's rains.

Today, I'm doing the joy-filled dance that the newly discovered termite infestation is mild and a fairly easy fix.  The men are coming today and within a few short hours we can put that repair behind us.

Of course, we still have some long deferred outside-the-house repairs to do this summer, but  we had already factored those into our time and budget.

So I am getting a lot of opportunities to experience joy (despite circumstances) thanks to our house.  Since it gives us shelter, safety and a nice place to hang out, I'd say taking care of it is a good investment, even if the problems didn't bring me joy practice.


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