Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Divine Conspiracy of Sacrificial Love

"When Jesus invited His followers to take up their cross, it was a call to spiritual greatness in the divine conspiracy of sacrificial love." - John Ortberg

That sentence stopped me in my tracks.  I had to literally unpack the individual words to embrace the potential of their collective power. 

spiritual ~ (n) ~ of, or relating to, consisting of, or having the nature of the spirit
greatness ~ (n) ~ extremely large in quantity or number; of considerable duration

As a Christ follower, the act of "taking up my cross" is not meant to be a spiritual burden, yet it's often how this act is presented by the church.  Instead, it is a call to allow the Holy Spirit to flow unimpeded in me, to the fullness and duration that is only His, but in a way that is designed specifically for me.

divine ~(adj) ~ heavenly, perfect, in the service or worship of God, God-like
conspiracy ~ (n) ~ an agreement to perform together

Oh my!  Conspiracy!  By taking up my cross, I literally enter into agreement with God to participate in His perfect Kingdom plan.  It's like I've got the inside scoop, yet I'm only one piece of the puzzle.  And to fit into the agreement to perform together, I must perform with the gifts and talents by which I was specifically created.

sacrificial ~ (adj) ~ to forfeit something of value for something or someone considered to have a greater value
love ~ (n) ~ God's benevolence and mercy towards mankind / the benevolence, kindness or brotherhood that man should feel towards others

I get to participate in God's plan to woo mankind back to Eden,  back to relationship, back to heaven on earth.  And to do so, I first gratefully accept His sacrificial love for me in His Son, Jesus Christ, and then, in turn, I have the privilege of extending that unwarranted but freely given love to others.

It's exciting! energizing! amazing!   I have access to the power and might of a most Holy God whose only desire to draw us back to Him.  I am invited to participate in His Big Plan.  I am invited to accept His gift and then give it to others ~ I am invited to  love and be loved.  The mere thought makes me giggle.


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