I would love to say this photo graced an article denying that shopping is the way to happiness, but it didn't. It did offer minor acknowledgment that since becoming a mother, the author can no longer indulge entirely in her mantra that clothes-make-the-woman (her baby barely trumped her clothes closet). She spent a lot of time whining about the loss of freedom to attend three-day parties celebrating some big-name designer's new collection. Her tone was partially tongue-in-cheek and partially her truth.

Even in my BC days (before Christ), my parents' instilled a sense of value and self-worth in me that stood separate from what I did, wore or looked like. In my AD days (after accepting Christ), I realized my true value in God. I am His child, pre-thought of before I was even conceived, cherished and loved by Him. Don't get me wrong. I still like steppin' out with a freshly washed face and clean, even somewhat matching clothes, but it doesn't make me who I am. Nothing I own or could buy makes me who I am. Nothing.
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