Saturday, October 15, 2011

Seven Seconds or Bust

I went to a marketing seminar this week on social media, only to learn that blogging is passe`.  Not all blogging but the blogging that makes readers sit for more than 7 seconds.  Yep, that's suppose to be our attention span these days ~ 7 seconds.  At first I was annoyed with people thinking that they are missing out on sooooo much with such short fuses, but then I got to thinking about you.  Yes, you.  

You may not read my blog daily, but I know some of you are faithful followers; faithful enough to even sign up and automatically receive my posts.   I'm not necessarily profound or witty all the time but we have somehow made a connection, you and I.  Many of my posts take longer than 7 seconds to read ~ heck, I know they took longer than that to write!  

I follow other people's blogs, too.  Some write daily, as I try to do (except for my Sunday sabbath) and some post when they get to it or having something significant to say, but it's a deeper connection than 5 lines on Facebook or 140 characters on Twitter.  And people want connection!  We're relational beings and not just 7 second grazers (although I can graze with the best of them ~ lol).

So here's to you for taking more than 7 seconds out of your day to read my blog and sometimes even commenting back or passing it along to others.  Have a great weekend and I'll "see" you on Monday!

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